Dear Readers,
I’m Rajabu Hamisi a research engineer at the Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm,Sweden. I hold a Master of Science with major in Soil and Environmental Science from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,Uppsala, Sweden and Master Degree in Water System Technology from KTH. I am also a founder of The blog was designed to bridge knowledge from north to south through a road map of wastewater treatment technologies, natural resources governance and sustainable renewable energy development. The blog was inspired by my personal concerns of sharing incredible informations which are highly dedicated to environmental risks assessment, renewable energy development and natural resources governance. My background is Agricultural engineer from Sokoine University of Agriculture,Morogoro,Tanzania.The main reseach interests are on modelling water dynamics, future climates and nutrients transport in surface and sub-surface flows through SWAT, Comsol, Matlab,HBV and CoupModel. I am also engaged in socio-technical research and facilitating sustainable sanitation and water management. has been designed through interdisciplinary approaches for stimulating thinking, actions, knowledge generation, consultancy and solution that contributes in the startegies of ensuring equity and quality of environmental, governance,transparency and developing human capacity in the road maps of ensuring environmental sustainability.Therefore the blog invite information from good will stakeholders all over the world without jeopodizing perceptions of marginalised group. Intentionally, we are focusing on the needs of climate change mitigation strategies in clean energy, environment quality,and allied displines by offering a balance of understanding the complexity of the climatic change systems which are disturbing the human livelihood. The main languages of communication in this blog are English and Swahili.Through these targets,I hope the blog can serve as an ideal opportunity for sharing information related to renewable energy development, governance of natural resources and making use of our professional background for raisng profile of environmental sutainability.
In additions, it may acts as a round table to the classical,students,researchers and professionals through out a global by providing knowledges,evidences and an integrated approaches on the needs of clean energy for climatic change mitigation and adaptation.To sum up, I am deeply indepted to those who are still producing topic which are conceptually sound to the audience.I encourage other partcipants to demonstrate their confidence of contributing informations with evidences,topics,positive challenges and critiques that are aiming to solve a problems of climatic change,and not escallating the problems. Please, let us share your ideas of ensuring sustainable roadmap for clean energy, water qulity and environment sustainability.
But, bear on mind that the submited information shall be from authentic and highly regarded sources. In this collective learning processes,our vission will be to stimulate innovative thinking and developing human capacity through exchanging ideas and finally shaping nature through meeting biofuels challenges and opportunities that cross-cut the interests of majority poor communities. has been designed through interdisciplinary approaches for stimulating thinking, actions, knowledge generation, consultancy and solution that contributes in the startegies of ensuring equity and quality of environmental, governance,transparency and developing human capacity in the road maps of ensuring environmental sustainability.Therefore the blog invite information from good will stakeholders all over the world without jeopodizing perceptions of marginalised group. Intentionally, we are focusing on the needs of climate change mitigation strategies in clean energy, environment quality,and allied displines by offering a balance of understanding the complexity of the climatic change systems which are disturbing the human livelihood. The main languages of communication in this blog are English and Swahili.Through these targets,I hope the blog can serve as an ideal opportunity for sharing information related to renewable energy development, governance of natural resources and making use of our professional background for raisng profile of environmental sutainability.
In additions, it may acts as a round table to the classical,students,researchers and professionals through out a global by providing knowledges,evidences and an integrated approaches on the needs of clean energy for climatic change mitigation and adaptation.To sum up, I am deeply indepted to those who are still producing topic which are conceptually sound to the audience.I encourage other partcipants to demonstrate their confidence of contributing informations with evidences,topics,positive challenges and critiques that are aiming to solve a problems of climatic change,and not escallating the problems. Please, let us share your ideas of ensuring sustainable roadmap for clean energy, water qulity and environment sustainability.
But, bear on mind that the submited information shall be from authentic and highly regarded sources. In this collective learning processes,our vission will be to stimulate innovative thinking and developing human capacity through exchanging ideas and finally shaping nature through meeting biofuels challenges and opportunities that cross-cut the interests of majority poor communities.
You are all welcome and enjoy the flavour of!